TransactionKit - Smart Account React Library For Fast & Simple Web3 Development

Effortlessly integrate smart accounts and create a seamless user experience for your dApp with just a few lines of code.

Inject the full power of
Etherspot into any React app

Out-of-the-box Transaction batching

Simplify the experience of signing multiple transactions into a one-click action for your users. Compose multiple transactions into one.

Seamless Cross-Chain Experience

Onboard users to your dApp from 22+ EVM chains and provide a smooth cross-chain experience without adding support for each blockchain separately.

Gasless or Sponsored Transactions

Let your dApp users handle transaction fees with various stablecoins on any supported chain — or choose to cover the fees entirely for them.

Why Etherspot’s

  • Simplifies blockchain development & reduces barriers to entry
  • Enables Web2 devs to create advanced Web3 apps
  • Provides frontend devs with complete design control
  • Offers helpful guidance for fixing errors

TransactionKit means, you no longer need deep blockchain experience to create a highly capable Web3 app

Try It Now

Code example

                                    const { estimate, send } = useEtherspotUI();
                                    // later on
                                        <EtherspotTransaction to={bobAddress} value={'0.01'} />
                                        <EtherspotTransaction to={christieAddress} value={'0.01'} />

TransactionKit pioneers simply say:

"It’s magic"