Pillar Wallet, with its backbone powered by Etherspot, is a mobile, self-custodial, smart contract, DeFi wallet that allows users to interact with various Web3 services, store ERC-20 tokens across multiple chains, perform cross-chain swaps inside the wallet, all without switching networks.
These challenges not only affected the cost and efficiency of using Ethereum but also created barriers to adoption and widespread use. Etherspot is aimed to address these challenges by providing solutions such as cross-chain capabilities, faster in-app browsing, and improved overall user experience.
By implementing Etherspot’s multichain, smart-wallet SDK Pillar Wallet provides:
Overall, the integration of Etherspot's multichain, smart-wallet SDK significantly improves the functionality, convenience, and accessibility of Pillar Wallet, offering users a more efficient and user-friendly way to manage their blockchain assets and engage with the decentralized ecosystem.